Could the coach of the Cleveland Browns’ tight ends come calling from UCLA? Might the Browns at any point pursue Haasan Riddick? Might Andrew at any point Berry and Kevin Stefanski get contract augmentations? Questions spot the OBR Everyday Newswire the day after a Super Bowl that is not even referenced…
Hello, Cleveland Browns fans!
I realize that we, the insightful customers of Cleveland Browns news, have come to depend on analytically able credentialed news associations to give us everyday data about the Cleveland Tans. Less significantly, there is an environment of fan web journals and different news regurgitators around who spot stuff on Twitter and whatever and barf it back up in scaled down pieces and afterward game Google, Hurray, or less-separating news purchasers to bring in cash. This is just fine, a temperate pattern of information assembling and reusing in a stuffed lattice of data wellsprings of shifting legitimacy.
We at the OBR are just trying to find a place to call home within this framework. We want to produce content that no one else does while also trying to keep our visitors up to date on online news. Like every one of the purveyors of Browns news depicted above, we believe we’re magnificent at getting it done and extremely unique in our own particular manner. Everybody’s extraordinary. Sprinkles are sprinkled on all donuts.
In those cases, I need to accomplish something I’m entirely awkward with – work – and set up the news myself and attempt to make sense of what on God’s green earth is happening in the realm of the Cleveland Browns at 7AM as opposed to simply connecting it.
I surmise the main unreported thing is that there’s plausible that Browns tight end mentor Tommy Rees may be attracted away from the Earthy colors. The vast majority just have this data passed along by a school football tweeter spewing something found on a 247 Games school site:
Fortunately, as an OBR VIP Subscriber, you can read the entire UCLA head coaching hot board, including their analysis of Tommy Rees’s chances of taking over at UCLA and, consequently, leaving the Cleveland Browns coaching staff. Additionally, you can access all 247Sports articles that are behind paywalls. You are fortunate individuals because you were able to participate in the OBR VIP experience and gain special knowledge.
Likewise in the news, clearly there is – SHOCK – a likelihood that Browns lead trainer Kevin Stefanski and GM Andrew Berry will get contract expansions. It’s valid! ESPN reported it! Along these lines, expect many invigorated articles since Bristol has given their blessing to something we definitely knew and have been discussing for quite a long time.
There’s a contrast between OBR perusers and different perusers, you know. That may come as a surprise to a lot of the latter. I can’t make sense of the follow-on articles in any case.
At any rate, finishing the Newswire bloviation on a lighter note, JOK showed up – in African clothing, in the follow business from the NFL that ran during the Super Bowl the previous evening. It’s exceptionally cool seeing the Browns linebacker (and most sleek NFL player) certainly standing out enough to be noticed after his breakout season.
All things considered, I surmise I’ve done what’s necessary of a Do-It-Yourself newswire for now. There are a few additional links below, but none of them are as self-important or snarky as what you just read. With the exception of perhaps for Deserter’s takedown of the Plain Vendor’s “choice” to not provide details regarding the Browns land buy in Brookpark so as not to offer it consideration and afterward to choose to run a letter from the proofreader about the report they didn’t run on the arena land buy, in this manner publicizing the arena land buy. I have a cerebral pain now.
Have a decent one! BROWNS GO!
Jake and Andrew cleave it up following the Bosses 25-22 win over the 49ers in Super Bowl LVIII. What it will take to end the Chiefs’ dynasty, whether the Browns would have been able to compete, their thoughts on the pressures that affected the outcome, Usher’s performance at halftime, and a lot more!